Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto Sitra

Domicile: Helsinki

Part of Sitra’s work consists of paving the way for pioneering circular economy solutions across the world, by providing information and tools, with a special emphasis on digitalization, business actions, trade and a fair transition. The circular economy can offer many of tomorrow’s solutions needed to tackle climate change, overconsumption of resources, and biodiversity loss. Many of these solutions are based on learnings from nature. From regenerative practices as well as smarter ways of valorizing and cascading our resources more effectively we can get more value from less, from nature, for nature. With Sitra’s updated strategy, our work will focus strongly on how the circular economy can be used to halt biodiversity loss.

Contact persons:

Kari Herlevi

Project Director, Circular economy for biodiversity


Disclaimer: Please note that information included in this directory and any linked sites is supplied by the organisations themselves. Last updated Mar 04, 2021.

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