The Regional Council of Lapland

Domicile: Rovaniemi

The Regional Council of Lapland is a joint municipal board formed by its 21 member municipalities. Its basic administrative principles are governed by the Local Government Act (Kuntalaki), no. 365 (1995) and in the basic agreement approved by the member municipalities. The Regional Council of Lapland is one of the 19 regional councils in Finland. The decision-making processes of the regional councils are based on municipal democracy.

The highest decision-making body in the Regional Council of Lapland is the Assembly of the Council, which is selected for a term of office lasting one municipal election term. The Assembly of the Council is selected every fourth year after the municipal elections by representatives of the constituent municipalities. The Assembly meets twice a year, and decides on, for instance, the financial plan and the budget of the Regional Council, approves the financial statements and the annual report, and selects the Board of the Council.

Contact persons:

Ilari Havukainen

Project Manager

Coordination of Arctic Bioeconomy, integration to smart specialisation and cluster development

+35840 621 6116

Tanja Häyrynen

Project Coordinator

Coordination of Arctic Bioeconomy, integration to smart specialisation and cluster development

+35840 704 3130

Jenni Lintula

Communications Manager

Coordination of Arctic Bioeconomy, integration to smart specialisation and cluster development

+35840 661 5611

Disclaimer: Please note that information included in this directory and any linked sites is supplied by the organisations themselves. Last updated Apr 18, 2018.

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