VTT Bioeconomy Hack – haku käynnissä
News - Published 23.8.2016
VTT järjestää hackathonin biotalouden digitalisaatiosta marraskuussa 2016. Tavoitteena on löytää digitaalisia ratkaisuja, joilla biotalouden haasteet käännetään mahdollisuuksiksi. Tilaisuuteen kutsutaan 30–40 innovoinnin huippuosaajaa ratkaisemaan hakuun osallistuvien yhteistyökumppaneiden ehdottamia haasteita. Haasteet valitaan 3–4 organisaatiolta, jotka haluavat osallistua hackathoniin ja jatkaa kehitystyötä myös tapahtuman jälkeen.
Alla lisätietoja tapahtumasta ja hausta englanniksi. Haku on avoinna 6.9. saakka.
VTT is hosting a hackathon on digitalisation of bioeconomy on November 18–19, 2016 in Espoo. We will invite 30–40 innovators to solve challenges provided by our partners who are willing to participate in the hackathon, support the participants before and during the event, and continue to work together with the best teams after the hackathon.
The goal of the hackathon is to find and demonstrate novel digital solutions and opportunities for solving the given challenges in different parts of the bioeconomy value chain.
The challenges can relate to (but are not limited in!) the supply chain of biomass, automatised and remotely controlled bio factories, digital farms and urban farming, IoT and intelligent packages, digitalisation of food logistics, and services for conscious consumers and society.
Who can submit a challenge?
- Companies of all sizes from startups and SMEs to large corporations
- Cities and municipalities
- NGOs
- Other entities working with/interested in the bioeconomy
The call is open until September 6th. If you are interested to join, please fill in this form.
The 3–4 challenges for the hackathon will be selected by September 9th after which we will open the application period for the innovator teams. We will get back to all the proposed challenges, including those ones that might not fit into this specific event.
For more information, contact Tiina.Nakari-Setala@vtt.fi.