Intelligent wooden cladding products

Case - Published 1.2.2016
Haptic combines Finnish wooden interior design and technological know-how with its new solution that brings wooden elements to life by touch. Haptic is a new, innovative interior design solution developed by Taito United and Karell Design.
The innovation enables the use of Finnish wood as part of advanced interior design solutions that allow future smart homes, for example, to use renewable, natural Finnish cladding materials.
With the power of a touch
Touch makes the surfaces talk, play music, change lighting, send messages or guide any commands needed. In the first model of the innovation, the touch surface technology is combined with high-class wooden elements, but the technology is compatible with other decoration materials as well.
New possibilities for wood in interior design
Haptic brings about completely new possibilities for spatial and interior designers. Technology adds a new dimension to surface materials, which enables development of new applications for accessible design, for example.
The innovation creates more uses for Finnish wood and combines traditional wood and modern technology in a fascinating way. Wood product manufacturing in Finland needs highly refined special products alongside traditional wood products, since wood as a renewable material could be utilized in more versatile ways.
For more information contact:
Jaana Karell , Karell Design, +358 40 7234 001,
Tuomas Kaipainen, Taito United, +358 40 5011 553,
Published in english: 12.2.2016