Articles on 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

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How a biogas plant works – a visit to the Luke facility in Jokioinen


A farm-scale biogas plant was completed at the Jokioinen site of the Natural Resources Institute&…

More wood surfaces to hospitals and health care centres

Sairaalan aula, jossa kaiteet puisia.

Would it be possible to increase the use of wood in health care buildings? This&…

Biogas has potential

Biogas bus being refueled.

Tervola, some 660 kilometres north of Helsinki as the crow flies, is currently the site…

Finnish regions implement national bioeconomy strategy with help from ministries

Wooden block of flats behind a number of trees.

Finland’s bioeconomy strategy aims at doubling the added value of bioeconomy sustainably. Is there…

Finland joins non-paper: The bioeconomy must be at the core of the EU’s industrial policy


Bio-based solutions and biotechnologies drive circular bioeconomy. They boost EU competitiveness, create jobs, and enhance&…

Cellulose-based plastic-free foams


Woamy, a spin-off from FinnCERES at Aalto University, is revolutionizing the packaging industry with a&…

Biomaterials from Microbial Chitin


In a world where plastic pollution is rampant, sustainable biomaterials have become increasingly important. An&…

New Biosynthetic pathways to microbial pigments


In a world without colors, life would be dull and uninspiring. Yet nearly all of&…

Unlocking the Mysteries of Super Black Materials: A novel wood-based solution


In the ever-evolving world of science and technology, there are certain phenomena that continue to&…

Fluff Stuff develops plant-based textile fillings from peatlands

Fish and watersCase
Tummahiuksinen nainen punaisessa takissa seisoo ulkona ja pitelee kädessään osmankäämejä.

To replace down and polyester, Fluff Stuff processes cattail seed hairs into a filling that&…

Life saving drug detection with Nanocellulose – check out the video!


In an ambitious FinnCERES project, a multidisciplinary team of scientists from VTT and Aalto University&…

Better Nanocellulose with Forest Side Streams!


Researchers at FinnCERES, Aalto University, and VTT have developed an additive derived from tree bark&…

Hiukka Hyvä produces oil spill mats from human hair and dog fur

Fish and watersCase

European hair salons and barber shops generate 72 million kilograms of hair waste each year,…

Clever use of small Baltic Sea fish – Hailia Nordic makes modern fish products for professional kitchens

Fish and watersCase

Thanks to technology developed by a company in Karkkila, even the smallest of small fish&…

VTT’s Pilot Platform Brings New Methods to Effective Recycling of Plastics and Mixed Textiles

Bioruukin laitteistoa.

VTT Bioruukki pilot centre will investigate new recycling methods for plastics and mixed textiles. The&…

A Pilot Environment for Sustainable Manufacturing of Fiber Products


Using current methods for producing paper, cardboard, tissue paper, and nonwovens requires much water, and&…