Articles, blogs and videos

First impact assessments of Finland’s CAP Strategic Plan started


Assessments will be conducted to examine the impact of the measures under the CAP Strategic&…

Swedish Minister for Rural Affairs visits National Emergency Supply Agency


Sweden’s Minister for Rural Affairs Peter Kullgren and Finland’s Minister of Agriculture and…

Agriculture ministers discussed viability of rural areas and generational renewal on farms


The Agriculture and Fisheries Council met in Brussels on 15 July 2024. The main topics…

Farmers’ crisis discussed at Agriculture and Fisheries Council – Member States unanimous about improving farmers’ situation


The EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council convened to discuss the current crisis in the European&…

Construction of new experimental cowshed of Natural Resources Institute Finland in Jokioinen progresses


The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) will replace the experimental cowshed in Minkiö, Jokioinen with&…

New period of EU’s common agricultural policy off to good start


The first year of the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) 2023–2027 is coming to an&…

EU celebrates Organic Day for second time


The EU Member States will celebrate the European Organic Day in various ways around the&…

Decision on climate work on agriculture at Climate Change Conference


With respect to agriculture, the aim at the Climate Change Conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh,&…

A container full of animal feed – fly pupae grown on waste potatoes can be used as feed for chickens or fish

Valkoisella pöydällä mustasotilaskärpäsen toukkia

Manna Insect Ltd grows black soldier fly larvae in containers. The larvae become animal feed,&…

Finland’s finalised CAP plan submitted to European Commission


Finland submitted its finalised CAP plan to the European Commission on 20 July 2022. The…

Sector report: The bakery sector keeps in touch with times and invests in the future


While the turnover of the diverse bakery industry increased in 2020, competition continues to be…

CGI Waste Manager helps professional kitchens halve food waste volumes

Two male chefs working side by side at a restaurant kitchen.

Preventing food waste is a concrete way of promoting sustainability in restaurants and other professional&…

Nordic food system solutions discussed at summer meeting hosted by Finland


On Thursday 25 June, Finland hosted a meeting of the Nordic ministers of agriculture. Finland…

Instructions for health-secure entry of seasonal workers in primary production are ready


Employer instructions for health-secure entry, quarantine and for the preparation of a health security plan&…

How to cut the carbon footprint of milk down to zero?

A woman and a grazing cow.

Valio’s goal is to cut the carbon footprint of milk to zero by 2035. Carbon-neutral&…

The EU Biodiversity Strategy sets ambitious targets – the measures must take into account overall sustainability and different circumstances in the Member States


On 20 May 2020, the European Commission published a new Biodiversity Strategy aimed at halting…