Articles on 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

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GrainSense, the hand-held device with cloud services for instant grain quality measurements

GrainSense in hand, in the background field.

The GrainSense analyser is designed for measuring the moisture, protein, oil and carbohydrates in cereals&…

BLOOM gives a fresh boost to bioeconomy communication in Europe

Bioeconomy products.

Bioeconomy, and more specifically circular bioeconomy, is a hot topic in Europe at the moment&…

Natural healing: UPM’s FibDex® replaces synthetic materials in wound dressing with wood-based nanocellulose

Birch leaf.

The novel wood-based wound dressing offers significant benefits for both patients and hospitals and is&…

CH-Bioforce is revolutionizing the production of bio-based materials

Wood and forestCase
Lignine and a toy tractor made of lignine.

CH-Bioforce has developed a completely new way of processing biomass. With the help of the&…