4.1 Management of strategy implementation

The Finnish bioeconomy strategy will be implemented in cooperation by several ministries. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will continue to coordinate the work as the responsible ministry. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will appoint a steering group and a secretariat for the strategy. The steering group will be tasked with monitoring the progress of both the strategy and its measures.

The organisations in the administrative branches of these ministries will take part in the adoption of the strategy extensively. The implementation will utilise a national Bioeconomy Panel comprising bioeconomy stakeholders, which will continue as a broad-based dialogue and cooperation group. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will set up a panel whose composition can be changed during the term. The ministries’ steering group members will also be involved in the panel. The panel’s work will be supported by the secretariat of officials.

The panel may establish its own working groups, projects, programmes and other activities. As a rule, ministries can assist in practical work but will not provide financial support for the implementation of projects unless they have been allocated resources in the budget.

Communication will continue to be implemented in cooperation between the communications group, which has worked well during the previous strategy period, and it will be supported by the biotalous.fi website.